Wednesday 5 November 2014

Spring has definitely sprung and Summer is on its way!

The students, teachers and helpers have been busy this term with planting, maintaining and weeding our Kitchen Garden. The chooks are doing well and we have enjoyed having the variety of colours in our collection of the eggs. Some shells are blue/green and perfectly fine to eat. We are blessed to have such sunny coloured yolks. No doubt due to the varied greens in our chooks diets. If you have time, pop in to the garden and take a look at the Rooster. He is very beautiful with superb colouring and a fine show of tail feathers.
The infant classes are really enjoying their fortnightly visits to the garden and kitchen. Their enthusiasm is infectious! We love the fact that we are seeing new faces to help due to the infants having a regular time. We've said it many times before but the program needs volunteers and with help, our students shine in the Kitchen Garden program.

This term has also seen the commencement of a project working with a Japenese Artist Yutaka for Palimpsest. Students from 3/4H  have been working hard removing hedges from the front of the heritage building. Native Millet has been sown and we await it's growth. From the harvest of the millet, a flour will be milled and bread made in solar ovens the student's will design and construct. Great job Mrs Halls and 3/4H!